Friday, September 12, 2008

Dear John

Dear Loyal Readers,

You have obviously noticed how much of a slacker I have been--it is true. I appreciate your curiosity into our lives. Unfortunately I am saying goodbye, at least for a while. If you really want to hear from us, we love letters and I promise to write back. And yes, I am still trying to get all our wedding thank-yous out but I will write you back. Okay, maybe I shouldn't promise that. I'm taking that back, sorry.

I haven't felt like blogging much lately. So much has been going on with moving and I simply don't feel settled. That's my reason and I am stinking to it. So instead of you checking the blog every once in a while and getting the same old page, you can know I am taking a hiatus for a while and I hope I spelled that correctly.

That's all for now.