Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We Found Ratatouille!

It's a movie, it's a food, it's here--we found it!

Speaking of movies, has anyone seen Seven Pounds with Will Smith? If you want to cry hard, go see that movie.
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Melanie said...

Hey Eve, guess who I know, who knows you... we just figured this out yesterday! Do you remember dating a guy named Darrel, of course you do! Well one time he has a friend staying with him named Laney, I think his old girl friend. You went on a double date. you with Darrell and Laney with your hubby (but not at the time) Rick! Well Laney is in my ward. She just moved her like 6 months ago or something with her hubby. Her and I have have become super close friends and some how we made the connection! Funny huh! Do you remember her?

Ali said...

Ya, I saw "Seven Pounds" with my family over Christmas. I bawled! I had no idea it was a crier. I still want to see "Benjamin Button" and a few others.
How was the Ratatouille?
When are you coming to visit? :)

Martha said...

EVE! i love you. :)M

Martha said...

where in germany are you?

Erica said...

i saw it. sigh. lots and lots of tissues were required. i was so embarrassed that i asked my friend to wait at least 5 minutes before we left so that he wouldn't be shocked w/ the amount of mascara on my face. i miss hearing from you!

{Erica} said...

That's super rad that they put all the stuff that you need into a package of sorts...I always had ratatouille growing up (mother is tahitian = french territory).

About the craft glue: It's in a gold bottle and can be found at michaels. Elmer's glue would work too I suppose...