Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween '08

What are you doing for Halloween?
I have to admit, I am a slacker when it comes to holidays. It's not that I don't like them but I think I'm too lazy and uncreative to come up with fun ideas, especially a costume. It seems like I would be the exact opposite but I guess I'm not. This is why I am particularly pleased with my cute Halloween decorations this year. Anyway...
Scary, huh?
It's this guy's castle (pictured above).

How crazy cool is that--going to Frankenstein's Castle ON Halloween? Sounds awesome but I am freaked out. I guess the people running the hunted house can put their hands on you, throw you into coffins, shut the coffin...that kind of stuff, no big deal {yah right}. I am down right SCARED! But I'm going anyway because who can turn up an opportunity to go to the source on the night of scariness?
I guess I'll have to let you know how it goes...if I survive!

If you'd like to read more about Burg Frankenstein click here.


Mike and Kristin said...

Oh, so cool. I want the low-down!

Amy said...

Oooh, that is so scary! I can't wait for the report!